San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector
Posted on Jun 30, 2016
Mr. Mc Allister gave a very interesting talk about his job, trying to inject as much humor as possible. He stated that we need not worry, our money is safe at the San Diego County Treasury and they are making sure we are not losing any! He also wanted to apologize and ask forgiveness for the anguish he inflicts on others with the property tax bills that arrive in the mail!
Mr. Mc Allister explained that they expect to collect 5.4 billion dollars this year and his office has achieved a 99% collection rate. With the availability of online payment options, late fees have decreased tremendously proving that San Diegans are some of the most responsible tax payers in the state. The number of people paying online has increased to 51% and also pointed out that San Diego County has one of the highest rates of PC owners in the country. The office has achieved this high rate of collection, partly, due to the 271,000 emails that go out as reminders to tax payers. He also cautioned that credit card payments charge a fee of 2.19% for every real estate dollar paid and pointed out that e-checks can be used with no fees. His office has tried to work with Visa to reduce the fees charged for payments but since they own 90% of the market share in the state of California they are not willing to make adjustments. He just wanted us to know there is a no fee option.
Lastly, Mr. Mc Allister wanted input on the new tax bills and how to make them more user friendly. He distributed samples of what the currently revised bill looks like and stated that input is welcome. He told us that he has been conducting focus groups and even included a very special focus group with a group of fifth grade students. In addition to the suggestion that they put pictures of puppies on the bill to make them nicer, kinder and happier, they also got a suggestion of using the color blue like the ocean and this idea was actually incorporated into the new bill. This just proves if you want good logical answers just ask the children. Mr. Mc Allister answered a few questions and then closed his talk.