Warrior Momz Walk
Posted on Apr 06, 2017
Kay Ledson is from Australia, as evidenced by her Aussie accent. Kay presented the WarriorMomz Walk - the walk across America to raise money to fund therapy programs for people with spinal-cord injuries and paralysis. The walkers will walk together into Washington DC (3,400 miles, about 7,000,000 steps) to raise money to fund therapy programs for people with spinal injuries and paralysis, to end limits on therapy funding and make proven therapies more available. Their goal: $ 1 million.
But it’s not only momz, of course. It’s warrior dads and warrior sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles, husbands and wives, warrior friends and warrior children. This mission is for everyone who loves someone living with a spinal cord injury, everyone willing to fight to create change.
Rotarians are invited to sponsor the Warrior Momz Walk across America September 2107 – April 2018. Donate or volunteer, or do both.
Website – Warrior Momz Walk: http://quadfoundation.org/warrior-momz/