Posted on Sep 27, 2018
Bill Jensen introduced Rotary District Governor, Mel Gallegos and his wife Judy, who is a member of the San Diego Downtown Breakfast Rotary Club.
Sharp Healthcare Foundation recognizes Mel as Pillar of Philanthropy. He is President of the El Cajon and San Diego Breakfast cubs. He has served Rotary in many capacities. He has made several trips to attend District conferences in Mexico and East Africa.
Here is Mel's speech:  When I went to my first International Convention in Calgary in June of 1996 I realized that the International in Rotary’s name meant just that. I found that Rotarians all over the world speak the same language and have the same goals. We all shared our ideas.
In 1985 Rotary launched its PolioPlus program, “we are so close”. Currently there have been 18 cases of wild Polio in the world, 14 in Afghanistan and 4 in Pakistan. Remember that in 2017 there were 22 cases! Since 1985 we have reduced Polio cases by 99.9% and immunized more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. We continue to move forward and make progress and we will succeed.
Membership is a concern for not only Rotary International but also our District and clubs. Last year we were able to move our membership to a net gain of 65. Our District can do more. I plan to move our membership to at least 3200. Rotary International’s membership has remained at 1.2 million for the last 13 years. Rotary continues to lose as many members as it brings in. Most of that happens in the United States. Our Director has asked our District to add 6 to 8 more clubs to the project and to commit to the single goal of sustained growth for 3 consecutive years starting July 1.
The Rotary Club of Carlsbad is an active club in our District since its founding in October of 1939 with 13 members and you are now at 78. Your club has given over $441K to the Rotary Foundation. You have participated in District and Global Grants.
Your club has done much work in the community with scholarships, youth exchange students, Brother Benno’s Homeless Shelter, Camp Pendleton Assistance and the many charities. You support RYLA, LEAD, Boy Scouts, 8th Grade Leadership Program and the 4Way Test Speech Contest show your club’s concern for the youth in your community. 
What is your dream? What is your passion? How will you build on the work of those who have gone before us and what foundations will you leave for the work that is yet to come. I have seen the excitement of this year’s Club Presidents that has only grown since our first meeting together. It is my hope that they will challenge you and your fellow members to great endeavors.
The theme for the year: Be The Inspiration. Be the Inspiration, to your clubs and your districts. Show them what we can do in Rotary, and what we can be. This fits in so well with the new vision statement from Rotary International: Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
In Rotary, we unite as members of our Club, the District and worldwide because we know there is strength in numbers and there is so much we can accomplish working together as Rotarians.