Julie's demotion and Frank's induction ceremony
Posted on Jun 23, 2016
This evening's program was to celebrate Julie Norby's year as president and the induction of Frank Silva as the new president of the club. It was a fun night of laughs and celebration.
The Skit
"Julie" arrives at work and starts her day with her favorite bottle of wine, Heron’s Flight. Spouse Peder Norby calls her cellphone and Julie answers, sipping her wine. Terry Maher arrives, asking for a minute of her time during her busy day, complimenting her on doing a fine job as Club President and requesting a donation; Julie says she has no time to talk and takes another sip of her wine. Joe Bear arrives, to interrupting her busy day again, with news of the High Noon club’s demands about involvement in Brewfest; no time to talk, but this prompts Julie at imbibe more Heron’s Flight. Jim O’Meara appears, mentions the fine job she is doing and asks her to let members know about his offering rides for up to 10 people to the District meeting. Julie has no time to talk, and comforts herself with more Heron’s Flight. Ed Scarpelli calls for some additional support from the Club. Then Jeff Schafer arrived to thank Julie for the promised Club donation for his son’s involvement in Eagle Scouts. What can Julie do beyond take another sip of wine? Then Peder calls again with news that 60 people will be coming to their house party tomorrow night. Julie is distraught, but it helps to have another mouthful of Heron’s Flight. By this time, the bottle is near empty and Julie raises it to drain the last drop!
Russ Hanthorn received standup applause for his entertaining impersonation and antics. He then presented the genuine Julie with a precious blue Rotary mug.
Julie Norby proceeded with the evening’s program by introducing Rotary District Governor Larry Sundram. Larry is past President of the Vista Rotary Club and District Governor for the Rotary District covering San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Larrry Sundram
Larry was Chief Operating officer of a financial services company with $4 billion in assets, 6,500 employees and $2 billion in annual revenue. In that capacity he was vitally involved in strategic and scenario planning. He has created and managed several startups in the banking and insurance sectors and been active on their Boards.
He was a former Board member San Diego Water Authority and several other groups. He was former President, Rainbow Municipal Water District and former Secretary of the Bonsall Planning Group. He has been recognized for distinguished service to Marines and their families.
Larry Sundram is an accomplished speaker. He started with a couple of excellent jokes and hilarious one-liners – demonstrating his abilities as a stand-up comedian. He told lots of stories about how Rotary was founded by Paul Harris and how it grew quickly and expanded to a worldwide organization.
History of How Rotary started:
Larry has a lot of good connections with Carlsbad Rotary and knows a lot of the background, with Neil Black, David Brahms and others. He was here at the meeting to bequeath this legacy to Frank Silva, the new president.
Program Continued
Julie Norby then took the podium with a heart-warming speech about her year as President of Carlsbad Rotary. She listed and celebrated the many achievements of the past year. She thanked the cub committees, officers, leaders, board members and all those who worked with her to help make Rotary better. She especially thanked Jeff Schafer for his invaluable help as Past President.
Julie then asked the past Board members to line up, so that the club could thank them. They received a standup ovation.
Larry Sundram then officiated at the induction of the new Carlsbad Rotary Club President, Frank Silva, with a swearing-in ceremony and solemn oath. The board members for the next Rotary year were then inducted.
Frank then made an excellent acceptance speech, recounting the many god traditions that have been built up over the years at our Carlsbad Rotary. He received a standup ovation.